Pınar Puff Pastry

One layer of this flaky Pınar Puff Pastry is made up of 128 sheets.

Pınar Puff Pastry

Puff Puff rising Pınar Puff Pastry is on every table!


Puff pastry, indispensable for every home and the savior of every kitchen, is on your tables with Pınar quality. It is very practical to prepare puff pastry recipes with Pınar Puff Pastry. Many easy puff pastry recipes such as puff pastry recipe, puff pastry dessert, puff pastry dessert recipes are on your table. You will be able to offer different recipes and different flavors to your loved ones with puff pastry recipes. Pınar Puff Pastry, produced with Pınar quality, does not contain any preservative additives and rises as it rises.


Cooking method: Leave Pınar Puff Pastry outside for about 10 minutes to soften. After filling it with the ingredients of your choice, close it with the opposite corners overlapping and press it lightly. Brush with beaten egg and bake in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for 20-25 minutes.

Pınar Puff Pastry Recipes

You can find delicious recipes from each other using Pınar Puff Pastry